Friday, June 26, 2020

We are Liverpool - You Will Never Walk Alone

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Didn't think I'd ever get back to posting but this breaks my heart. Every single time.

This is not a discussion about your political inclination. It's just basic humanity. It's irrelevant and I don't mean to stoke any political debate. A government should be taking care of the poorest and the least among us. These stories are heart-wrenching. I fear anything that is done from now on will be too little, too late.

On a personal note, I find it hypocritical to be grateful for what I have. It's just not right.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Dave Matthews Band Live at Fiddler Greens - Done.

Off the bucket list but I get the feeling it isn't my last time. Now if only the man would come to Red Rocks.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

I'm is just winging it. 
Like everybody else.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

I've been in a dilemma, whether to mourn for what I've lost or be grateful for what I have. It doesn't matter, it's not in your control. Heard this from someone I'll probably never ever meet but it's true.

"It's chaos. Be kind"

While on that topic, much recommended, do watch the "Kindness Diaries" - Netflix