Monday, March 29, 2010

Tomorrow I will try Baingan

Not a good day at work. Two people quitting Mentor and my entire efforts might just go down the drain. India in May might not happen now, almost feel cheated out of it. Sigh!

I realized something about myself while writing an email today. Dealing with an intense situation, I realized my inadequacies. I am incapable of dealing with stress now, I just do away with it. Basically what I am reluctantly trying to say is I am scared of pain and I just don't let it come into existence. It's not a sign of strength, it's just a sign that I have found a technique that works. That's all.

So with that said, I decided to end my day on a high. Mutton curry. A satisfied stomach is equal to a happy Binoy.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I live in a town-home and my room overlooks the Rocky Mountains. As you might have guessed, the sunset from my room is phenomenal.I can see the sun going down into the mountains as I write this and I am noticing something very peculiar. It's not setting where it usually does. About 10-15 degrees towards the North-West (if I set west as where it usually sets). Has the earth tilted a bit around its axis? Or is this one of the things that happens with living in a Geoid-shaped Earth?

Any astrologers/astrophysicists out there? (or someone with a different title who is supposed to know this?)

Monday, March 22, 2010


As promised, March 22nd has come and it's live! We're up and running. Alright back up a bit, Ashish and myself have, at long last, decided to come together and start our own company. Something we have been aching to do for a while now. With all humility, I am extremely thankful for supporting this random blog by a random guy, all the emails and comments. I am humbled.

Hold on, I ain't going away but you will see a lot of my efforts now being directed towards our new venture which goes by the name Communnect .By the same token, I will keep all my quirkiness related posts over here. Alright back to Communnect.

Communnect is a start-up firm. We are trying to set up a business that will eventually deal with all and any (and every, while we're at it) aspect of communication. But to start with, we're focused on talking about four things.

One, we are going to be talking about firms that are helping us communicate better. Any technology, tool, software or physical product that helps us yammer at the world - we'll have someone working on it.

Second, we'll talk about how to go about writing and presenting things in a way that makes sense. Sense to the people who are in the audience, that is. Right from home movies that elicit "Awwwwws!" to a fancy schmancy presentation that gets you a promotion ahead of everybody else - all comes under this heading.

Third, about training. Sites, places and sources where you can brush up skills for free, and ways to do the whole thing perfectly if you want it done offline, and in your firm/school/club. What kind of training? Any kind. The content doesn't really matter - how you go about it does, from our viewpoint.

Fourth, we'll try and make the internet a simpler world. Cull out the confusion and leave in the clarity. Tips and tricks in Gmail, ways in which you can block Farmville (if you want to) and stuff like that.

Why are we doing it at all?
  • Because we want to do something of our own.
  • Because we want to be rich.
So if you have time to spare, and a left button to click, go here, and let us know what you think.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Final Stretch

I am kinda starting to get goosebumps. Just a week to go. I am bracing myself for sleepless nights, if need be.

I've never been so motivated to work before. God, give me one more amazingly productive week.
This is it!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The rush is unbelievable. You have to be there right in the middle of things, working through the frustrations and the highs to really experience it. This entire experience in itself is a blessing. I am literally breathing it.

What am I talking about? March 22nd everything will be revealed.
Till soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Give me a "C", Give me an "O" ...

14 more days. I need to up my efforts, and above all I need God to be with me.

Daunting? Yeah.
Exciting? Heck Yeah.

Haan fir!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Dave comes to Portland

If any of you'll were ever in doubt about the master, here's some more:

Stay or Leave
So Damn Lucky