It certainly is a curse and by the same token a boon that we possess such a fleeting mind. Nothing in this world can have a lasting effect, persay; it can have a persevering effect but the very fact that everything changes with time makes it unsustainable. Is this notion true or do some things really last forever? My personal opinion is there are only about 1% of the things that I think (or atleast want to) are sustainable (only a ridiculously long period of time will really tell), the rest is pretty fleeting.
What this really means is that 5 years down the line, will all this that you hold important/dear/significant really matter? Unless of course it's in that 1% of things. Which means the happiest of people are the ones who just chill out in life cause they have figured out the futility of stressing about stuff that will not matter.
See, I always knew there was a profound hypothesis behind why everyone should chill out. I really can talk/write gibberish. But why not? After all it is my blog.
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