Monday, March 3, 2008


Passion. An emotion that drives so many people to achieve whatever they intend to. It's such a pleasure to be part of such a passion just for the heck of it. I've come across a few of 'em off late and I admire the way they set about doing their tasks with the sole motivation to succeed. I don't care what it is about, some career-oriented, some others benevolent but its just such a grounding experience to watch them in action. There are a few things that I've been passionate 'bout and even though none of them relates to the other there is a common sentiment that comes out pretty blatantly. It's the drive that keeps egging you on to not give up. At times you keep it burning, at times its self sustaining but to keep it consistent over the period of its life is what goes on to determine its worth.

At the end of the day, irrespective of the outcome, I'm filled with admiration for such people and they will always be the ones held in high esteem. This is my last post before the India trip, I can't wait to be back to my way of life.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Appreciation Galore

Every time I go to Portland downtown I regret the fact that I don't have enough people to share the fun with. It's such an amazing place. I know of so many people that would be a kickass fit here but unfortunately aren't here. Then there are others who are all over the country and I pray they get their asses whilst I am here and experience what I have come to cherish.

A downtown with all that you could wish for and surprisingly not overpopulated. You walk into one of the top notch places and there is just the right amount of crowd and the perfect dose of fun quotient. The rain is a stumbling block for many, I would imagine, but once you learn to live past it, the whole playing field just opens up. Not a lot to ask for, you know, if you learn to appreciate the beauty that comes with it but then lets leave that discussion for another day. For now I do intend to go there more often and plead all my friends to come see this place.

It's fabulous, trust me.