Monday, June 28, 2010

And just after I wrote the previous post, I come across the kinds from the other side.

On one hand, there are people who not only do their job well but also think of possible loopholes and have it taken care of or answered before it crops up and on the other hand, there are these kinds who do even read an email completely before replying.

I think in an interview process, one of the most important qualities to look for is to make people read emails and ask them to respond. Simple task but the reply could really startle your knowledge of the person.
Some people are just such a pleasure to work with. They making working such a breeze.

I wish everyone had the common sense or should I say the good sense to work as efficiently or at least keeping everyone's interest in mind. It's not a difficult thing to do, you only need to cultivate the "live and let live" attitude.

Kudos to getting the small things right, Priscilla!

P.S: I am taking the liberty of giving out your name but I'm sure you don't mind :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

3 to the good

Such a high! Scoring a hat-trick in the last game of the league season gives you such an incredible high.

I honestly didn't think I had it in me now to go beyond one, maybe two goals in a professional match.

Liph is bhery bhery good. I can't wait for the next season to begin.

Match fitness --- about 80% (don't remember the last time I reached this fitness level)
Football is, by freaking trillion miles, the best sport in the world. Period. End of discussion. :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daily Bread

I have always struggled with being a regular at reading the Bible. One big stumbling block has been the lack of coherency to what I was reading and also the lack of time/ability to interpret His Word. My mom is a regular at Daily Bread and I admire her for that.

For those of you struggling with the same and also coming from the tech savvy generation, I strongly advocate Our Daily Bread , the online daily bread. It's probably the best way I've found to get a little coherency and also become a regular at it. The best part of it is I have access to it wherever I go (Internet remember?) and I don't have to depend on the early morning or late night when I have access to the Bible.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mutton Biryani

The first time you learn cooking from mom, you pretty much concentrate on the big things, try and get them right. That's probably the way to go cause you know head nor tail of what it means to fry, little simmer, etc.

Of course over time you learn the nuances but this time on your own, trial and error and essentially develop your own style of cooking. Now I see my mom cooking Mutton Biryani and it's a revelation of sorts. I must have asked myself the question "How could I have not noticed that??" about 15 times now.

Next aim in life: Cook Mutton Biryani as well as mom's. By the time I get that accomplished and learn guitar, I will be done. Except that it might take me an entire lifetime to achieve perfection (yes, Mom's Mutton Biryani is perfect). Worth living a lifetime for a noble cause, no? :)

Mutton Biryani for lunch coming up in like 75 mins!!
And of course World Cup Germany - Australia!! Perfect, no?

Friday, June 11, 2010


My mom has passed on to me all the tips for cooking and for the most parts I am pretty happy with my preparations (although cannot compare to mom's food). But chai has been my biggest stumbling block. It might seem simple but I just couldn't figure out how to make those "jhakaas" teas. Every time I got the feeling of nearly there but not quite.

At last I've found the secret ingredient that gives it the "jhakaas" factor. And (wait for it)... the secret ingredient is adrak (ginger). It simply has to be there else your chai is not complete.

So there... again with eternal thanks to mom.

Sunday will be mom's mutton biryani. Aich!!! :)