Friday, June 20, 2008


Try minimizing the focal aperture of your eyes and look at the thing you have been looking at again. It would seem different. Try doing the same thing and look at life, it most certainly would seem to have changed. Slight aberrations to the Obvious is not a bad idea you know. Don't go to the extent of befuddling the entire situation but a little bit of it helps.

You can choose to not get affected by the world.
Sit back , relax and have fun!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Why is it that winning is the only way out for me? Everything else just seems unacceptable. I have this rush of energy that keep urging me on. I am not sure if this is a good or a bad thing. I know in sometime I will make my peace with it but till then I will torture myself with self-contempt. I need to learn to not let this affect me and the people around me.

You know Binoy, the problem with you is you don't wanna end up being "nearly the best". Everything is about winning, enit?