Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Reporting Live from Pune

I've been home for about 4 days now. 48 hours into Pune living and I had already experienced everything there is to being "alive". Down from watching survival mode living to bursting into extreme highs, every minute aspect of your emotions are tingled. And tingled well.

Pune and maybe India as such, is changing so fast I'm not sure what to expect the next time around. But you look at your people, family, friends, family friends and the look on their face puts it all in perspective. "What were you expecting dude?"
You desperately try to hold on to the Pune you left 5 years back but that's never gonna come back to you ever, is it? Change is not going down well with me but that's not to say its a bad or a good thing.

There is a lot of love in this city and for that matter Mumbai as well. Having grown up in this side of the world, I've realized that even though I haven't yet embraced change, I belong here. This is me. Call me romantic, maybe that's what defines being a Punekar :)

Today evening, onto Mumbai! My second home.


Anonymous said...

Exact same sentiments when I went to Chennai ( the town I was born and grew up in) after about a decade.
Mixed feelings every day. Happy to see positive changes, sad that old times will never be the same old times again! Sigh!

Binoy said...

You went after a decade?!? Woah!!
Even a year feels too long away from home.