Friday, August 12, 2011

Look No Further Than David and Marty

Since I am trying to learn the guitar by myself (read youtube), I'd like to give my thanks to the good guys on youtube. Also since learning the guitar by yourself is not an easy task, some of the references I give might help people out there get a quick start in their efforts. To begin with, David from, absolute nice guy and the easiest to get started with (without boring you). Use his lessons and pdfs to get started on your chords and strumming (I wouldn't stress a lot on his @7 emphasis, just the basics). Once you're done through the painful chords learning and changing phase, look no further than Marty Schwartz. The guy is a genius. He'll teach you songs with such ease and care, especially the songs you thought were the dream songs if you could ever get to play on the guitar. I'm yet to go the next stage, another hurdle I plan to cross with David's help.

I'm still very much a raw and a beginner level guitarist but hats off to David and Marty for helping me enjoy the process. Long way to go but I know this time it is for keeps :)

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