Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Possible Dilemma

We constantly keep changing, what we view and perceive is largely dependent on our state of mind at that point. Do we always change for the better? Or is it possible that we know we ain't changing for the good but it feels bloody good to have changed. What do you do when you are stuck in such a situation? Revert back to the old way of life or persist with the change? What if for the first time in your life, you don't seem to be in control of what you do?

This thought comes to me on the eve of my Thanksgivings Vegas trip. I know I now hold the capacity to blank myself to any negative thought and go have the time of my life. The change lets me do that at the expense of clarity.

What path do I choose? Is there a way I can merge the two of them? Buddies who know me would be surprised to see me in this dilemma but fact is I am confused. I think I am at the threshold beyond which my entire life would be determined accordingly. But then there is always this possibility that another change could happen. That said I can think of only one single event that has changed my being. Can lightning really strike twice?

Tomorrow evening I will be on my way. This weekend will rock nonetheless. I know my choice for now.

Binoy has changed.


Anonymous said...

no i be??

Binoy said...

aah dudio, come evening its gonna be I beer. :)

thumbtwiddler said...

No pieces of fancy literature or extra callous writing. Just pure life...as it happens, when it happens. Nice.

Oh you're Binoy as opposed to Bijoy. Excuse the crazy lady talking. Sorry.

Binoy said...

This blog' not meant to be one either. Look at my first post, I think I have all the disclaimers there needs to be (update me if you feel otherwise)

What the... That's hideous. I wouldn't expect that mistake from a crazy old drunk lady :)

thumbtwiddler said...

That was meant as a compliment. And I was agreeing with you. Apologies all around if it seemed otherwise.

And how exactly is Binoy so different from Bijoy? I mean the names, as for the people I wouldn't know either. :P And methinks I am a little worse off than a crazy old lady.

Again, apologies all around.

Binoy said...

I was just reaffirming what you already mentioned. That's all.

But. (long pause) But, mentioning Bijoy and Binoy in the same breath/sentence is outright blasphemy, worse than a crazy old drunk lady :)

Thanks for the compliment!

thumbtwiddler said...

Fine. Accepted. I'm worse than a crazy old drunk lady.

Is it all better now? :)

Binoy said...

Again I was only reaffirming what you thought you were. I, personally take time before I reach an opinion about someone :)

I had a look at your blog although I must confess haven't read a lot yet. Will do so soon.

Binoy said...

You don't need to apologize, I'm almost never serious (almost cos you just need to be sometimes)

thumbtwiddler said...

I'm a very apologetic person. But will try and refrain in the future. This is ending up to be more of a 'chat' that comments on the post. :)

Binoy said...

Seems to be the case.:)

thumbtwiddler said...

Sent you an email, just incase you didn't check.