Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Laughter Theory

There is a simple way to gauge some of the really involved stuff in life. Take for instance friends. How do you differentiate between your friends, buddies if you will? It isn't a difficult thing to say who are your friends and who ain't. That's not what I am talking about. Its within this domain of friends that there are a few who are just beyond anything. The people who don't, so much as move an eyelid in protest, when asked for something to be done, the ones who have your back covered no matter what the situation.

There is a very easy way to know them, rather realize them. Pick up the phone and start talking to them. If you continue to only talk over a period of 2 mins with those occasional smiles; naah they are just friends. On the other hand if you end up on the floor laughing your guts out, you know your talking to one of your buddies, the beyond anything ones.
Simple, no?
It works. The ones that you laugh the most and the hardest are the ones you keep close to your heart. It doesn't matter how lame the conversation is, how long its been since you spoken to him/her, the first 2 mins will confirm my theory.

Over the years me and my buddies have evolved this system where things, no matter how bad they are, are mere tools for situational laughter sessions. There have been times when you have your back to the wall, bloody messed up in life and what do you do?
Enter buddy. The next 15 mins are spent on tearing apart the situation to shreds and ground rolling laughter session follows. Passerby' look at you with utter bewilderment but you don't care no shit. As grave the situation was just a few mins back, utter mockery of the situation is what is accomplished and by now, no one really cares which one of their buddy is in bad shape. Nusta uncontrollable laughter is all that remains.

I spoke to my friend... oops buddy today, I marooed a random statement, there was 2 long secs of lambi khamoshi and laughter followed. There was no point but bhaat's the point anyways. These are the moments that define your buddiness quotient. Cling on to them with all that you have and maybe more. Life seems a lot better with them around. This post' dedicated to all those buddies out there, you know who you are. Happy Laughing.

I be.


drparikh said...

Ya, see, I wasn't talking bout the 'differences' just the binary format of a friendship present or absent :)

I've discussed that in some other post on my blog, I think it's called 'let us out' posted sometime in Aug. Let me know what you think!

Binoy said...

True but I hope you got my definition of friends and buddies.